Tiwahe Lodge is organized into chapters, each meeting monthly and serving one or more districts in San Diego-Imperial Council. Find your district's chapter below. Click on the chapter name to access its page, containing meeting information and a form to contact your Chapter Chief and Adviser.

Chapter Service Area Chapter Chief Chapter Adviser
Bitani Rancho San Luis Rey Zone Wyatt R McOrin Lima
Chippewa Rancho San Luis Rey Zone Colin M Charley Hamilton
Elauwit Desert Trails Zone OPEN! Frank Fiorenza
Inyawaa Sweetwater Zone Delaney R Mark Becerra 
Naabaahii Coastal Sage Zone Ian M ​Esther Merki
Pischk Ramona Thomas W Matt Case
Shash-tsoh Foothills Zone Michael M Chuck Dowe
Yim Ma Yiap ​Rancho Mesa Zone Seth F Dana Collins